TaskPulse Template for Notion

Manage your day-to-day tasks and your most complex Projects and Tasks - This is the Template for you!

Drop Asana, TickTick, and Trello... 

Capture and complete your tasks:

No fluff and filler... Just the ability to track your projects and tasks, capturing the data you need to get things done, track your productivity, and move the needle forward.

Planning with a team:

Coordinate tasks and plan for blockages along the way. Notify key players when dependent tasks are complete, and track the progress of projects from ideation to completion.

Action planning:

Get a quick visualization of where you're moving fast and where you're stuck. Our tracker lets you see your strengths and weaknesses. 

Customize and expand:

While TaskPulse is already powerful our of the box, there's no such thing as a 1-size-fits-all. Customize the template for your specific needs, or contact us to do a heavy customization for your implementation (additional fees may apply).

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Let Me Tell You More About

I've used a variety of Task and Project management apps. Some have been great, others leave a lot to be desired. Frankly, I thought I would never leave Asana once I got started with it. But as my needs increased, so did the subscription price. And frankly, I pay enough subscriptions.

I wanted more and I didn't want to pay for it FOREVER!!!

Notion had already become the CRM of choice for several of our businesses and nonprofits. So it was a no brainer that it would be the backbone of TaskPulse. We were able to take the best parts from Asana, Monday, TikTik and several other of our favorite project managers and put them into one - oh yeah, and removed what we hated most... THE SUBSCRIPTION!

Now, we can track out projects and tasks for all parts of our life in one app, access it easily on all our devices, and simplify what needs to get done at home and at work. 

You'll Get:


Simple, clear visualization of your daily to-do, prioritized so you can get the most important things done first.


Project management that can be easily tracked and managed on your schedule to keep you and your team (or your family - yes, kids can use this easily too) on track and moving forward.


Automate recurring tasks to save your time and effort.


Use the planner Board to setup your projects, tasks, and manage meetings, weekly schedules, family events, or just to keep your life in order.


All your help documents are in one spot, instead of littered all over the template for you to clear out and then forget where you found the information. 

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About Digital Squirrel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

"I'm a HUGE Notion fan, and when I realized I could build a Project and Task Manager that could do all the things I loved in those subscription-based apps in a way that worked better for me, my teams, and my family - well, I was ready to put in the time to build something I knew would be powerful and useful. I hope you get as much out of the TaskPulse Template for Notion as we do."

Eric Spaulding

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Critic's reviews

I have to be cautious with every dollar I spend. We tried investing in several different platforms, but we never got exactly what we wanted and were spending a lot in subscriptions for features that didn't work for us or we didn't use. I was so thankful for TaskPulse to manage our nonprofit teams. It's simple for our staff and our volunteers to pick up and use quickly.


Nonprofit executive director

I never liked carrying a planner in school. So when I tried TaskPulse, I found it a lot easier to keep track of all my class assignments, projects, and extracurricular activities - especially when I tied it in with Notion Calendar and my Google Calendar. Now I can track everything easily from my phone or Chromebook. Even some of my teachers started using it after seeing it.

